Frequently asked questions:

  1. Can the program host more than one company on the same server ?

    Yes, the program can host any number of companies on the same server!

  2. Does the program provide different menus (options) for diffent classes of users depending their duties?

    Yes, you can configure any number of user specific menus.

  3. In our company we have people who do not speak Romanian. Can you create special menus in English?

    Yes, you can create menus in English, provided that the person speaking English be defined as a user in English.

  4. Can the error messages be shown in several languages, dependion on the user?


  5. Can the reports be exported to Excel?

    Most of them can be exported to Excel. We are working on moving all reports to a new report generator, so that exports will be available 100%.

  6. Can I edit the reports withouth the assistance of the manufacturing company?

    If you have access level 10 you can edit and modify reports.

  7. Can we create separate reports using other Reports generators?

    Yes. We can set up an ODBC connection to the database and you can use any external report generator that knows how to use that connection (Crystal Reports, Access reports, etc.).

  8. Can we access the application via the Internet?

    Yes, but this will require some changes to secure the server over the Internet.

  9. Can the program run on a ADSL connection like ClickNet?

    Yes, the application is optimized to handle any type of connection, but if there are more computers (remote storage) we recommend using a terminal server.

  10. Is it possible to print cash register receipts through RemoteDesktop?

    Yes, if you purchase the cash register server.

  11. Can I work with multiple currencies?


  12. Can I generate a balance in EUR for reporting?


  13. I want to follow customer orders and to reserve stocks. Is it possible?


  14. Can I make a planning of aquisitions in accordance with customers orders?

    Yes. The program has a MRP module.

  15. The Supermarket that I deliver to is asking for a delivery note with their item codes. But I deliver to more than one supermarket. What can I do?

    The program has the ability to store customer item codes. Depending on the destination of the delivery note, you can ask the program to list the client codes, no matter how many clients you have.

  16. Can I work with alternative measurement units?

    Yes, with as many as you like. The program automatically converts to the default stock unit.

  17. Can I change the measurement unit of stock items?

    Yes, if you have not already made any transactions with the item. Otherwise, you can't change it.

  18. Can I have both stock items and non stock items on the same customer invoice?


  19. Can I have different prices for different clients?


  20. How many price lists can I have?

    You can can enter any number price lists.

  21. Can I have different price lists depending on the store?


  22. Can I deliver goods that are not yet in the warehouse?

    Yes, if the warehouse is set to accept negative stock. If it is set to accept only positive stock you can not.

  23. Can I generate statement 394?


  24. I am using alternative item codes. Can the program track them?


  25. Can I print invoices and other documents in multiple formats (A4, A5, with comments, no comments, etc.)?


  26. Can I change the price in an invoice if it was not set in the price list or if it was wrong?
